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Our team of baby wranglers offer a unique service to the film and television industries on shoots and productions!

Who Are We?

Britain’s Only Baby Wranglers…

Our team of child whisperers offer a unique service to the film and television industries on shoots and productions requiring the performing skills of children.

In Europe the concept of baby wrangling is very new, but production companies and agencies are starting to realise the vital role a baby wrangler can play in making a successful commercial or programme. We are recognised as skilled professionals who are a vital part of the film unit.

We provide expert assistance and direction at all stages of the production including consultation during pre-production, test films, casting and the shoot.

Working closely with the director, the expert team has the ability to get exactly the right action and reaction out of each child for every shot, freeing the director to concentrate on the rest of the scene.

Meet Peter, Our Baby Wrangler

“Filming must fit in with the child’s schedule. It sounds obvious, but this is often overlooked. There are also some tricks of the trade to keep children animated without wearing them out like making sure there is a supply of their favourite toys.”

– Peter Robertson

Just a few of the projects we’ve worked on…

Disney Cinderella (2015)


BBC Christmas (2004)


H&M – The Makers Of Happy & Merry


Stella McCartney Kids


We take the stress out of filming with kids. Our team can help you get the ‘right shot’ first time!

Like What You See? Let Us Take Away The Stress Of Filming With Kids!

Drop us a line…we’d love to chat over your project or production!